BUYERS: Don’t let the rain dampen your house hunting.

Little child holding big black umbrella in the rain

The Bureau of Meteorology may be predicting a wetter-than-normal winter and spring across most of Australia, but here’s why that’s good news for house hunters!

Sure, nobody enjoys waking up on a Saturday to the pitter-patter of disappointment. But there are some definite advantages to trudging around open homes in the rain.

Fewer buyers mean more negotiating power

The rain might keep some casual browsers at home, but statistics suggest sellers aren’t being deterred. In fact, last month Sydney recorded 21.7% more listings compared to this time last year. This can translate to less competition for you, and with fewer offers on the table, you might just have more room to negotiate on price and terms.

Unadvertised water views?

Summer sunshine can be a crafty seller’s best friend, masking potential water issues with a lick of paint. But when it’s pouring outside, those problems become a lot harder to hide. Using the rain as your secret weapon, you can spot hidden drainage issues:

  • Follow the water flow –  ideally, it should be directed away from the house (not under it) by a functioning drainage system. If the property is on piers, check for water pooling underneath. 
  • Overflowing gutters and downpipes are another red flag. 
  • Look for damp, mossy areas around the house, which could indicate poor drainage or even tree root problems in the pipes.

Mould on the prowl

Water leakage issues, if gone unremedied can lead to expensive repairs and even health problems down the line.  Be on the lookout for dark patches on ceilings, especially if they show up on the lower floor of a double-storey home.  Mould can also lurk in the corners of ceilings (looking like dust at first) and under sinks and bathroom vanities.

Is your dream home a draft dodger?

Australian houses aren’t exactly known for their climate-controlled comfort.  Many older homes lack proper insulation, making them freezing in winter and swelteringly hot in summer.  This translates to high energy bills and an uncomfortable living environment.

While a seller might crank up the heating during a rainy inspection, you can still sniff out drafts.  Check for gaps around floorboards and windows – these are prime culprits for letting heat escape and cold air in. Blinds that block light, but not airflow (or no window coverings at all), can also exacerbate the problem.

So, don’t let the rain dampen your house-hunting spirit! With a little extra vigilance and the help of your gumboots and raincoat, you can find your dream home, rain or shine.

Contact our team at Prudential Real Estate for expert advice and support throughout your buying journey.

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