Maximising your Rental Income

If you are really serious about getting the best possible rental price for your property, you have to up your game a little. Tips for maximising rent are basically just plain old common sense. It makes sense that, if you wouldn’t want to stay in your building, very few other people will as well. By that token though, it is important to avoid imprinting too much of your own personality on a rental property. It should be decorated with a view to appealing to as many people as possible. Here are the most important pointers when it comes to getting the best possible rentals according to an expert in real estate.

The Property must be Clean

This is a no brainer – if the areas that prospective tenants can see are dirty, they are going to naturally be concerned about the areas that they cannot see. Very few people will willingly endanger the health of either themselves or their loved ones and dirty homes will immediately seem perilous. Make especially sure that the kitchens and bathrooms are cleaned and spring for a professional carpet cleaning service before showing the place to prospective tenants.
Before having the carpets cleaned, it is a good idea to have any pest inspections conducted. Make sure that all cupboards are empty and get stuck in and really clean the house from top to bottom. Make sure to dust all areas – even those that are hard to reach and clear as much clutter as possible. Empty your bins and make sure that your exterior windows are clean and tidy.

Look after your Garden

You may not enjoy gardening or even think a garden is very important but a lot of people do love their gardens. The curb appeal of a garden can also not be underestimated. In fact, the impact of having a very untidy garden or one that simply looks dead is difficult to play down. Prospective tenants in Macarthur are likely to wonder if the home has also been neglected. You may wish to make garden maintenance a stipulation on your lease and arrange for a garden service to maintain your hard work.
If you are not very good at gardening, it would be worth your while to get a garden service over before you give the tour to prospective renters. They will ensure that the garden looks tidy and neat and will take care of any trimming and pruning that needs to be done. A plus is that they will also get rid of the garden refuse.

Have a Maintenance Plan

A house needs to be properly maintained in order to protect its investment value. Make sure that all switches, smoke detectors, etc. are in good working order. You do want, after all, to make sure that there is little chance of your home being destroyed by fire, etc.
It is also a good idea to do those painful small maintenance tasks that you can do yourself before tenants arrive. This includes things such as fixing leaky taps, clearing out gutters etc. Doing it beforehand makes the place seem well maintained and will mean that you can get a better rental rate.

Services and Utilities

Make sure to take the final readings for all utilities such as telephone, gas, etc. This gives the tenant a clean slate when they walk in and a reference point for you in the event of future disputes. Make sure to cancel any supplementary services that you no longer wish to pay for such as a monitored alarm – let the tenant take out these in their own names if they want to.

Get the Right Insurance

Check what kinds of insurance you will need to look into – public liability insurance needs to be considered here. Insurance rates can also be different for a property that is being rented so be sure to inform your insurance company accordingly. You might also want to look into some sort of Landlord’s Protection Insurance to protect you against damage caused by tenants.